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Sunday, March 7, 2010


We always dreamt of a day where we can control technology by just using our on body well Microsoft and Carnegie Mellon have been working side by side to create Skinput.
Skinput, a bio-acoustic sensing device that allows your skin to be used as a touch-screen interface.

An armband is equipped with a projector to display a menu or phone keys, as well as an acoustic sensor that analyzes distinct sounds made on the surface of skin related to specific bone density, joints and tissue. That information is delivered through a Bluetooth device back to the phone to determine what button has been pressed.

This would be very handy while jogging since you can change tracks& make phone calls etc without ruining your screen with sweat since your screen is your hand... But you should always remember not to wipe off your sweat since you could be making unwanted phone calls ;)


  1. hahaha, this is not handy while jogging. Actually, the only time when you can't use it is while jogging, because of the sweat dilemma!!
    But sweet innovation!!
